Ceramic Media

Ceramic abrasive media is a hard and durable material used in vibratory finishing processes to deburr, polish, and descale ferrous & hard materials. It comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and cutting capabilities, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Ceramic abrasive media is available in a variety of cutting capabilities, from very low abrasive to very high abrasive. The cutting capability of the media is determined by its shape, size, and material composition, allowing for reduced process times.


Low abrasive ceramic chips are often used for polishing and radiusing parts. It is also a good choice for deburring parts with delicate features.


Medium cutting abrasive media is often used for deburring parts with moderate contaminants. It is also a good choice for polishing parts with a medium level of brightness.


Course ceramic media is often used for deburring parts with heavy contaminants, and is designed to help reduce process times, It is also a good choice for removal of heavy scale and rust.

Benefits of Ceramic Abrasive Media

Applications of Ceramic Type Abrasive Media

BR Super Cut Brown
TC12 Fast Cut L/Brown
TC2 Medium Cut Grey
TC1 General Purpose Grey
TC5 General Purpose Grey
ASR Fine Cut Grey
TC9 Ultrafine Cut Pink
MEDIA   SHAPE (MM) 3 6 10 12 16 20 25 32 40

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